How to Remove Skin Tags: Overview, Pros, and Cons


Introduction and definition

Skin tags are benign tumours composed of a fibrotic core covered by skin and medically known as acrochordons or fibroepithelial polyps. They tend to develop in the armpit and neck, where there are folds and creases in the skin. Peduncles, which are a fleshy stalk attached to a skin tag, raise the tag off the skin. There is no pain associated with these masses, and they are typically small.


Approximately 45% of individuals have skin tag removal in Singapore, and females are more likely to have them than males. Their risk increases with age. The development of skin tags is thought to be caused by friction between the skin and its surface. Researchers have found that certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV), specifically HPV 6 and HPV 11, can be found in skin tags and may play a role in their formation.


In addition, other studies have linked these lesions with insulin resistance and obesity. Therefore, some sources suggest that skin tags may indicate an increased risk for cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis. Their development is also linked to genetics.

Who Should Undergo Skin Tag Removal in Singapore and What Results Can Be Expected

Skin tags are benign lesions. You can treat them if:


      Affected by repeated contact with clothes or jewelry, usually caused by irritation or infection

      Affects normal functioning. A skin tag on the eyelid can cause eye pain and vision problems.

      Is sufficiently uncomfortable for you such as large skin tags on the thighs that may make walking difficult .

      Associated with squamous cell carcinoma or basal cell carcinoma - A few skin tags have been histologically diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma or basal cell carcinoma; however, these are rare cases.


The most common reason for skin tag removal in Singapore is cosmetic. If the patient prefers, they can have a skin tag removed.


How does skin tag removal singapore work?

An office procedure for removing skin tags is usually performed. If the skin tags are found in sensitive areas, skin tag removal in Singapore by a specialists needed.


There are several ways to remove a skin tag. Curettes, cryosurgery, ligations, and excisions are some of these.


When electrocauterized is used for skin tag removal Singapore, heat is generated in order to burn the cells of the lesion. A topical anesthetic is applied to the lesion, and a cautery pen or probe is used to heat it up. After several minutes, the device is removed. Afterwards, the burned skin is removed. The cauterized area is usually applied with an antibiotic ointment, and patients are advised not to wash it overnight.


At the other end of skin tag removal Singapore is cryosurgery, which utilises a special substance, usually liquid nitrogen, to freeze the skin tag. During the procedure, the basement membrane is disrupted, resulting in tissue destruction. The application of the substance on the skin tag may be done using a cotton applicator or a cryoprobe.


Cryosurgery and cauterization are both ablative procedures, which means that tissue is destroyed and cannot be examined.


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